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Starbase Ships by EGOTech

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Trebler X v1.0.2

For Sale 750,000 Credits Miner Trebler Series T3 Generators T3 Thrusters Mining Laser Mining Laser Drill Basic Crafting Bench Tools Crafting Bench

The Trebler X is a premium version of the Trebler with T3 generators, fuel chambers, enhancers and thrusters plus three extra mining lasers.


The listed features reflects the current version of the ship.

Key Features

Belt Mining

3 x 4 lasers

Mining Laser Drills

Laser Convergence Precise Collectors 9 Mining Automation Approach Rotate with Adjustable Pitch Eco Mode Material Scanner


534 stacks

Material Capacity

Material Crates 534

Standard Features

Flight Systems

Flight Modes Cruise Mode Turtle Mode Variable Sloth Mode Variable Flight Profiles


135 m/s

Top Speed (empty)

Speedometer Forward Thrusters T3 Triangle Thrusters 142 Braking Thrusters T3 Triangle Thrusters 48 Maneuver Thrusters T3 Triangle Thrusters 64


48M units

Propellant Capacity

Propellant Network Large Tanks 4 Propellant Time Panel

Power and Fuel

94,500 e/s

Total Power Generation

Dynamic Generator Rate Min Generator Rate Variable Batteries 302 Power Generation T3 Fuel Chambers 14 Generators 42 T3 Enhancers 42 Spare Rods 28 Fuel Time Panel Backup Rods Panel


Basic Crafting Bench Meter Upgrade Tools Crafting Bench

Utility Systems

Transponder Ping Function Resource Bridge Warnings Panel Timer Panel Odometer Panel


Mining Laser Drills - 1 vs 2 vs 3 Drills

Channel: EGOTech

Trebler X - Eco Mode vs Full Power Mode Mining Drills

Channel: EGOTech

Build Cost

Material Cost

Material Volume (kv) Stacks
Aegisium Ore
Aegisium Ore 109,797 63.5
Ajatite Ore
Ajatite Ore 10,549 6.1
Arkanium Ore
Arkanium Ore 39,456 22.8
Bastium Ore
Bastium Ore 394,147 228.1
Charodium Ore
Charodium Ore 281,728 163
Corazium Ore
Corazium Ore 113 0.1
Exorium Ore
Exorium Ore 66,853 38.7
Glass 1,532 0.9
Ice 48,000 27.8
Karnite Crystal
Karnite Crystal 8,750 5.1
Kutonium Ore
Kutonium Ore 79,332 45.9
Lukium Ore
Lukium Ore 26,159 15.1
Nhurgite Crystal
Nhurgite Crystal 205,636 119
Ukonium Ore
Ukonium Ore 11,918 6.9
Vokarium Ore
Vokarium Ore 199,962 115.7
Xhalium Ore
Xhalium Ore 8,549 4.9
Ymrium Ore
Ymrium Ore 135,178 78.2
Total ore 1,627,658 941.9

Credits Cost

Assembly 313,039
Manufacturing 1,742,168
Total 2,055,206
TIP: Crafting your own devices, especially crates, generators, thrusters, ship tools and weapons can drastically reduce assembly cost.

Purchase Blueprint

Price: 750,000 Credits

To purchase the blueprint, join the EGOTech Discord Server.

EGOTech Discord Server


For usage instructions please refer to the usage instructions of the Trebler

Frequently Asked Questions

For more general questions, please check the FAQ here.



v1.0.2 (Current) - 14/06/2024

  • Updated help chip ship manual link
  • Added MaxPropellant field to propellant tank supports and Propellant panel
  • Reshuffled pilot center console
  • Added Warning panels
  • Added Flight Profiles system

v1.0.1 - 10/10/2023

  • Added four forward facing rangefinders as extra guides
  • Added switch to use one, two or three drills at a time.

v1.0.0 - 12/05/2023

  • Initial release

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