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Starbase Ships by EGOTech

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Flipper v1.1.1

Free Asteroid Hauler T2 Generators T2 Thrusters Cargo Lock Beam Large Asteroid Hold

The Flipper is a ship for hauling a single T10 asteroid, designed to be used in the safe zone. It flies in one direction to easily load the asteroid and then you can flip around and fly load in the opposite direction, still with decent speed. It has load automation to approach and load the asteroid as well as a material scanner that gives estimated credits for selling the asteroids.


The listed features reflects the current version of the ship.

Key Features

Asteroid Hauling

1 x T10

Hauling Capacity

Cargo Lock Beams Load Automation Automated Approach Loading Speed Fast

Asteroid Scanning

Material scanner that will output the volume in stacks plus the estimated credits paid for dropping the asteroid off at Origin stations

Flipping Forward Directions

Flies in one direction to easily load the asteroid and then can be flipped around and fly in the opposite direction, still with decent speed

Standard Features

Flight Systems

Flight Modes Cruise Mode Turtle Mode Variable Sloth Mode Variable


148 m/s

Top Speed (empty)

Forward Thrusters T2 Box Thrusters 60 Braking Thrusters T2 Box Thrusters 20 Maneuver Thrusters T2 Maneuver Thrusters 48


48M units

Propellant Capacity

Propellant Network Large Tanks 4

Power and Fuel

24,000 e/s

Total Power Generation

Dynamic Generator Rate Min Generator Rate Variable Batteries 150 Power Generation T2 Fuel Chambers 8 Generators 24 Spare Rods 16

Utility Systems

Transponder Resource Bridge

Build Cost

Material Cost

Material Volume (kv) Stacks
Aegisium Ore
Aegisium Ore 64,348 37.2
Ajatite Ore
Ajatite Ore 16,093 9.3
Arkanium Ore
Arkanium Ore 1,013 0.6
Bastium Ore
Bastium Ore 83,551 48.4
Charodium Ore
Charodium Ore 133,769 77.4
Exorium Ore
Exorium Ore 2,143 1.2
Ice 48,000 27.8
Karnite Crystal
Karnite Crystal 19 0
Kutonium Ore
Kutonium Ore 2,065 1.2
Nhurgite Crystal
Nhurgite Crystal 102,142 59.1
Vokarium Ore
Vokarium Ore 67,081 38.8
Total ore 520,222 301.1

Credits Cost

Assembly 154,687
Manufacturing 548,973
Total 703,659
TIP: Crafting your own devices, especially crates, generators, thrusters, ship tools and weapons can drastically reduce assembly cost.

Download Blueprint

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v1.0.0 Download
EGOTech's free blueprints and any of its derivatives can be freely distributed but are not to be sold in game or otherwise. License


Flying the Ship

Pilot Console Pilot Console

Interface Function
ForwardThrust, Thrust Current forward thrust, maximum of 10,000 units
Cruise Activates cruise control, forward thrust will not reset to zero unless turned down.
Turtle, TurtleRate Activates turtle mode which sets forward thrust to a maximum limit of TurtleRate (percent) of full thrust.
Sloth, Sensitivity Activates sloth mode which sets yaw and pitch thrust to a maximum limit of Sensitivity (percent) of full thrust.
Aim Reduces the response time of key presses for pitch and yaw.
Distance, Reach & Range Distance & Reach are distances for center rangefinders. Guide or the green button toggles the rangefinders. The warning lights blink red when the surronding guide lasers detect an object.
Scan, Material, & Credits Material scanning controls. See Scanning Asteroids.
Approach, Load & Cargo Cargo loading controls. See Loading Asteroids.
Timer See Timer.

See Flight Systems on how to fly the ship and use its flight systems.

Managing Power, Fuel and Propellant

Pilot Right Console

Interface Function
Propellant Total propellant remaining in propellant tanks, maximum of 10,000,000 units.
Battery Shows current battery charge of the batteries, maximum of 10,000 units.
Generator Current generator rate, maximum of 100%.
Min Generator Limit & Min Gen Toggle and sets minimum generator rate. See Managing Power and Fuel.
HeatTransferRate Current heat transfer rate of the heat sinks, maximum of 100%.
Fuel Rod 1, Fuel Rod 2, Fuel Rod 3, Fuel Rod 4, Fuel Rod 5, Fuel Rod 6 , Fuel Rod 7 , Fuel Rod 8 Total fuel remaining on fuel rods, maximum of 300,000 units each.
Shutdown Will turn off all fuel chambers thus shutting down generators.
StrengthFactor Current strength of ship. May fluctuate as asteroid is loaded. Anything below 1.0 means ship is damaged.
ID Toggle for the transponder.

Managing Power and Fuel

See Power and Fuel Systems on how to manage ship power and refuel.

Refilling Propellant

See Propellant Systems on how to refill propellant.

Scanning Asteroids


Scan turns on the material scanner. The beam has a range of 100m. Point the beam at an asteroid and Material will show the materials in the asteroid along with the volume of each in stacks. Credits will show the estimated amount of credits you will get for the asteroid if you drop it off at Origin stations. The calculation is 158.8% (worked out this with testing) of the cost of ore of the vendor price. This only has data for safe zone materials. The total volume of the asteroid in Mv is also shown.

Loading Asteroids

Approach an asteroid by pointing the center rangefinder at an asteroid and activating Approach. This will guide the ship to around 2m of the asteroid. Cargo will activate the cargo lock beams.

All these can be done the automated Load function on the pilot center console. Point the rangefinder at the asteroid you wish to load and activate Load. This is activate Approach and Scan as well as smartly activating the Cargo when the asteroid is in place.

Known Issues

  • The ship sometimes twists and turns at full throttle
  • Currently there are no navigation features but will possibly add ISAN and Compass in the future if this ship becomes useful to Endos

Frequently Asked Questions

How much can I make from hauling safe zone asteroids?

Here is an estimated breakdown of 468Mv (T10) asteroids from the safe zone I got during testing.

Material Volume Credits
Ice/Vokarium 486Mv 371k
Ajatite/Charodium 486Mv 631k
Valkite/Bastium 486Mv 272k
Ice/Nhurgite 486Mv 581k
For more general questions, please check the FAQ here.



v1.1.1 (Current) - 29/12/2022

  • Added Discord link to help chip
  • Added cruise safety chip
  • Added EGOTech logo decal
  • Fixed max value for Distance panel
  • Fixed a YOLOL rack timer label

v1.1.0 - 27/07/2022

  • Replaced rotating FCU system with new FCU switching system with a second FCU and a slider to switch between the two units
  • Moved maneuver levers to above pilot seat
  • Added help chip with ship manual URL to pilot left console
  • Moved back maneuver thrusters to be further behind center of mass
  • Regrouped rear thrusters into more separate groups

v1.0.0 - 23/07/2022

  • Initial release

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Copyright 2024 Vincent Teo

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