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Starbase Ships by EGOTech

Power and Fuel Systems

Fuel Rod Panels

The Fuel Rod panels shows the current fuel level for each rod in each fuel chamber of the ship. The maximum for each rod is 300,000 units.

FuelTime and Backup Rods Panels

The FuelTime panel shows the remaing time and distance (in kilometers) based on current fuel and current ship speed.

The WithBackup panel shows the remaing time and distance (in kilometers) based on current fuel plus any backup fuel rods available and current ship speed. The number of available backup fuel rods can be adjusted using the BackupRods panel as they are used up.

Also see Warnings Panel for details on the warning light for low fuel.

Usually ships have two backup fuel rods per fuel chamber but some ships may only have one or none. Check the ship details for the exact number.

Managing Power

Generator and Battery Panels

The Generator panel shows the current generator level (percent) used to generate power for the ship. The Battery panel shows the current battery level of the batteries on the ship. The maximum level is 10,000 units.

Minimum Generator Rate

Min Generator Rate Panel, Min Gen Button and Shutdown Button

By default the generator will only run and ramp up when the batteries need charging so there is minimum management needed. But you can set a minimum generate rate by setting the Min Generator Rate value on the Min Generator Rate panel and then turning on Min Gen. The generator will run at this minimum level until Min Gen is turned off.

Min Gen is usually only needed when you want to guarantee power while using ship tools like mining lasers or towing beams.

NOTE: With Min Gen running, power is wasted if it is not being used so turn it off when not needed to save fuel.


The Shutdown button shuts down all fuel chambers and in turn all generators. Therefore generators cannot run while this is active and in turn no power is generated. Only power stored, if any, in batteries is used in this state. Use only in emergency situations.


There are a few ways to refuel ships.

At Space Ship Designer Repair Terminals

Ships can be refueled at Space Ship Designer by repairing ships at repair terminals that are located in the Space Ship Designer buildings (pictured above). These buildings can be found in most but not all developer stations like all the Origin Stations, Markka, Arma, Moon City, Far Belt Outpost and others.

Inside these buildings, there is are repair terminals where you can repair ships that are spawned at the hanger terminals. Repairing the ship will refill both fuel and propellant of the ship. Ice for propellant and Nhurgite (T1)/Exorium (T2) for fuel is required.

All players should have access to these terminals.

At Player Stations or Capital Ships

Similarly to repairing ships at developer stations, it is also possible to repair ships using hanger halls on player stations and capital ships. Repairing the ship will refill both fuel and propellant of the ship. Ice for propellant and Nhurgite (T1)/Exorium (T2) for fuel is required.

Players require hanger hall permissions for the station or capital ship to be able to use these halls.

Repairing ships is currently the only reliable way to refuel large tanks for ships using large generators.

By Swapping Fuel Rods

Ships can also be refuel by swapping the fuel rods in fuel chambers with the backup rods in the rod racks.

Fuel rods can also be refilled by using the crafting system to craft refills for empty rods. Crafting fuel rod refills requires a basic crafting bench nearby with meter upgrade (for T2).

NOTE: Swapping fuel rods in gravity is extremely difficult so it is better to swap fuel rods whie a ship is stationary in space.
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