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Starbase Ships by EGOTech

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Fisher v1.0.1

Free Salvager T2 Generators T2 Thrusters Tow Beam ISAN Auto Pilot Asteroid Avoidance Basic Crafting Bench Tools Crafting Bench

The Fisher is a larger salvager ship with enough power generation to tow a ship of up to 20,000,000kg at up to 50m/s. The pilot seat can be spun to face the back, looking out the back window for ease of locking on ships using the back facing tow beam. It also has exposed frames to easily bolt on salvaged parts on each side.


The listed features reflects the current version of the ship.

Key Features

Towing System

20,000,000 kg

Maximum Towing Capacity

Button to automatically adjust the minimum generator rate according to towed mass

Rotating Pilot Seat

Rotating pilot seat to view out generous back window towards tow

Standard Features


23 stacks

Material Capacity

Material Crates 23

Flight Systems

Flight Modes Cruise Mode Turtle Mode Variable Sloth Mode Variable Navigation ISAN Mono Avoidance


120 m/s

Top Speed (empty)

Speedometer Forward Thrusters T2 Box Thrusters 24 Triangle Thrusters 74 Braking Thrusters T2 Triangle Thrusters 24 Maneuver Thrusters T2 Triangle Thrusters 32


144M units

Propellant Capacity

Propellant Network Large Tanks 12 Propellant Time Panel

Power and Fuel

120,000 e/s

Total Power Generation

Dynamic Generator Rate Min Generator Rate Variable Batteries 196 Power Generation T3 Fuel Chambers 20 Generators 60 T2 Enhancers 60 Spare Rods 40 Fuel Time Panel Backup Rods Panel


Basic Crafting Bench Meter Upgrade Tools Crafting Bench

Utility Systems

Transponder Ping Function Resource Bridge Timer Panel Odometer Panel

Build Cost

Material Cost

Material Volume (kv) Stacks
Aegisium Ore
Aegisium Ore 94,221 54.5
Ajatite Ore
Ajatite Ore 9,713 5.6
Arkanium Ore
Arkanium Ore 49,378 28.6
Bastium Ore
Bastium Ore 172,301 99.7
Charodium Ore
Charodium Ore 127,118 73.6
Corazium Ore
Corazium Ore 7,425 4.3
Exorium Ore
Exorium Ore 19,507 11.3
Glass 6,093 3.5
Ice 144,000 83.3
Karnite Crystal
Karnite Crystal 6,487 3.8
Kutonium Ore
Kutonium Ore 12,106 7
Lukium Ore
Lukium Ore 15,481 9
Nhurgite Crystal
Nhurgite Crystal 133,476 77.2
Vokarium Ore
Vokarium Ore 102,449 59.3
Ymrium Ore
Ymrium Ore 22,882 13.2
Total ore 922,636 533.9

Credits Cost

Assembly 247,402
Manufacturing 864,387
Total 1,111,788
TIP: Crafting your own devices, especially crates, generators, thrusters, ship tools and weapons can drastically reduce assembly cost.

Download Blueprint

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v1.0.1 Current Download
v1.0.0 Download
EGOTech's free blueprints and any of its derivatives can be freely distributed but are not to be sold in game or otherwise. License


To enter the ship, there is a button on top of the ship that will open Hatch. Once inside you can also open and close the cockpit glass Canopy. Buttons for these are available in the pilot left side console.

Flying the Ship

Pilot Console

Interface Function
ForwardThrust Current forward thrust, maximum of 10,000 units
Speed Current speed in metres per second.
Range & Distance Activates center rangefinder, with Distance showing distance to object.
Cruise Activates cruise control, forward thrust will not reset to zero unless turned down.
Aim Reduces the response time of key presses for pitch and yaw.
Turtle Activates turtle mode which sets forward thrust to a maximum limit of TurtleRate of full thrust.
Sloth (Right Console) Activates the low sensitvity mode of pitch and yaw by limiting thrust. Use the Sensitivity switch to set the maximum thrust rate of sloth mode.
Transponder Toggle & Ping Transponder controls, Toggle turns on and off ship transponder while Ping will activate transponder for three seconds
Nav, Autopilot, Avoidance & Target Autopilot controls. See Autopilot and Crash Avoidance.
ISAN2 Current ISAN coordinates of ship.
NavGrid, NavP, NavC & Attitude NavGrid system, see Using the Waypoint System.
Tow Status, Tow Mass, Tow & Auto Gen Towing controls, see Towing ships.
Timer See Timer.
Odometer See Odometer.
SafeZone Whether current location is in the safe zone.
StrengthFactor Current strength of ship. May fluctuate as ore crates are filled. Anything below 1.0 means ship is damaged.
Canopy Open and closes the cockpit glass canopy.
Hatch Open and closes the hatch on top of the ship.
Chair Spins the pilot chair between forward facing and backwards facing.

See Flight Systems on how to fly the ship and use its flight systems.

Using the Waypoint System

Pilot Left Console

Viewing and Selecting Waypoints

This uses the NavGrid system. Use the Down and Up waypoints selectors to select waypoint. The selected waypoint information is shown on NavP and NavC panels.

On the pilot center console, NavGrid will show the compass towards the selected waypoint while Attitude will show the ship's pitch, heading and roll directions. NavGrid is best used while not moving.

Editing and Saving Waypoints

Use Set to save waypoint of current location to the current selected waypoint position.

To edit currently selected waypoint, use your U tool to add name, X, Y and Z values to nName, nX, nY and nZ respectively. Then use the Save button to save.

NOTE: Waypoint 1 to 6 are presets and can not be over written.

Loading Waypoint to Auto Pilot

Use Load to Auto Pilot to load curretnly selected waypoint to Target to be used with the auto pilot system.

Auto Pilot and Crash Avoidance

The ship uses a modified version of NavCas which uses the 3 in 1 ISAN from Compass. Waypoints are loaded from NavGrid waypoint system.

Use while the ship is stationary. Activating Nav will start point the ship towards Target waypoint and deactivate itself when done. Autopilot will activate Nav and fly to within 5km of Target waypoint with Avoidance activated.

NOTE: Nav may not be very accurate. I recommend using it in conjunction with the NavGrid compass. The dd panel on the pilot left console shows debugging information for NavCas.

Avoidance will activate Guides. If the guides detect objects it will cut thrust and strafe up or down (will flash either the top or bottom Blue warning lights on the pilot center console according to the direction) while sounding an alarm (check game settings if you do not hear the alarm). It will also flash Red warning lights on the pilot center console according to the position of obstacle detected. If Autopilot is activated, it will readjust and continue its flight.

Avoids will show the counters for number of avoidances. The Trip counter can be reset by holding down the Avoids Reset Trips button.

NOTE: There is very limited coverage of range finders for the crash avoidance system. Use at your own risk!

Resetting Navigation

If ISAN or NavGrid is not working, it can be reset using the Reset ISAN button. Press once to take ISAN offline, then press again to reset.

Managing Power and Fuel

Pilot Right Console

Interface Function
Battery Shows current battery charge of the batteries, maximum of 10,000 units.
Generator Current generator rate, maximum of 100%.
Min Generator Limit & Min Gen Toggle and sets minimum generator rate.
Fuel Rod 1 to Fuel Rod 20 Fuel remaining on fuel rods in individual fuel chambers, maximum of 300,000 units for each.
Shutdown Turns off fuel chambers.
HeatTransferRate Current heat transfer rate of the heat sinks, maximum of 100%.
Propellant Total propellant remaining in propellant tanks, maximum of 144,000,000 units.
PropTime Time and distance remaining of propellant based on current usage. Distance is calculated from speed.
FuelTime Time and distance remaining of fuel based on current usage. Distance is calculated from speed.
WithBackup Same as FuelTime but takes into account backup rods available. Use the switch for Backup Rods to set the number of backup rods available. As standard there are 12 extra rods.

See Power and Fuel Systems on how to manage ship power and refuel.

Shutdown will turn off the fuel chambers.

Refilling Propellant

See Propellant Systems on how to refill propellant.

Towing Ships

Pilot Back Console

Interface Function
Tow Status Status of tow beam, 0 is off, 1 is on and 2 is locked on.
Tow Mass Mass of locked on ship, in kilograms.
Tow Activates the tow beam.
Tow Lights Activates the red flashing lights at the bottom of the ship.
Auto Gen Activates Min Gen with Min Generator Rate according to Tow Mass.
BackRange & Back Distance Activates the back facing rangefinders and displays the distance.

The tow beam faces out the back of the ship so position the Fisher in front of, with the back facing the ship you wish to tow. Spin the Chair around to look out the back window and activate Tow to turn on the tow beam. Once the tow beam is locked on the ship, the Tow Status will be 2 and the mass of the locked ship will be shown as Tow Mass in kilograms. Activate Auto Gen which will then turn on Min Gen with a Min Generator Rate based off the Tow Mass. Wait till the generators reach the targeted rate before flying off.

The Fisher has enough power generation to tow a ship of a mass of up to 20ktons or 20,000,000 kilograms. For large ships, it is recommended to turn on Min Gen to ramp up the generator before locking on and then activating Auto Gen once locked on to adjust the Min Generator Rate accordingly.

TIP: Remember to turn off Min Gen after towing to save on fuel.

Frequently Asked Questions

For more general questions, please check the FAQ here.



v1.0.1 (Current) - 29/12/2022

  • Added Discord link to help chip
  • Added cruise safety chip

v1.0.0 - 10/08/2022

  • Initial release

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v2.0.1 20220313170411_1.jpg Tow Capacity 7,500,000 kg

The Tugger is a small tug ship with enough power generation to tow a ship of up to 7,500,000kg at up to 50m/s. The pilot seat can be spun to face the back, looking out the back window for ease of locking on ships using the back facing tow beam.

Free Salvager T2 Generators T2 Thrusters Tow Beam ISAN
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Copyright 2024 Vincent Teo

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